“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” (Psalm 23:5)
What does it mean for God to ask us to eat in the presence of the very people who oppose us? II Kings 6:8-23 offers us a strange story of war averted, thanks to a meal no one wanted to share. This text illuminates Psalm 23 and the parables of the banquet of the kingdom of God so often told by Jesus.
A sermon on II Kings 6:8-23 and Psalm 23, given at Landrum Presbyterian Church on August 21, 2016, with special gratitude to Speaking Down Barriers, the pilot Upstate clergy cohort, and Gender Benders and Upstate Pride for the vigil in Falls Park they led.
A sermon on conflict, on disagreements, on the decision to live across our differences. The sermon may be heard here.
For us. For peace.